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The posthumanities of this Gexcel theme take as its starting point that interdisciplinary approaches within, across and beyond the human sciences - such as those developed within feminist research, postcolonial and cultural studies, queer theory, continental philosophy, eco-critique, media and technoscience studies today are well-suited to meet up with the transformations of bodies, natures (the environment) and of contemporary post-natural life at large. In fact, feminist science studies, philosophical zoontology, crip theory, body studies, human-animal studies, cyberfeminist and neurofeminist scholarship and research in areas like the environmental humanities, digital humanities and medical humanities have already drastically changed the parameters for research within the human sciences. As it becomes more clear how human bodies are reciprocally intertwined in intricate relationships with other animals, with technology, medicine and science, with the environment and biological forces beyond human control, the supremacist idea of a decontextualized human personhood defined by rationality and autonomy rather than embodiedness and material embeddedness have become increasingly difficult to sustain. Neither anthropocentrism nor androcentrism are no longer viable assumptions for ethics, epistemology, aesthetics and ontology in research. In the midst of crisis, the human sciences are already developing the analytical tools for better practices of wording and worlding. In this field we meet up, critically and creatively, with the confluences of emerging alter-ontologies, dynamic materialisms, posthuman ethics, zoographies, situated knowledges and modes of enlivening posthumous life as the transdisciplinary theory-practices of a form of posthumanities with a difference.




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